On My Mind

So… Tonight I embark on the journey of writing all of the crazy, funny, sad, depressing, exciting, dangerous, foolish, inspiring, and real thoughts and experiences that have moved me through life and made me the man that I’ve become. What’s weird is that, some days I don’t even know who I’ve become. I’ve been trying to learn why my emotions carry me through life the way they do, and how I can change how I feel if one day I so choose. I’m just here though, writing all of this down for the world to see me, while I learn to understand me. This has been a long time coming, and hopefully I can press on to one day having my own website and domain. Because If I can help anyone understand their situation better, while I’m learning to understand, I’m happy to do it. My constant struggle in life has been my issues with love, so you’ll be reading a whole lot about my experiences in and out of love. You’ll feel the passion in my words, the joy and pain in my heart, and sometimes the confusion in my head. But it’ll all be me. My voice, my strengths, my weaknesses, my spirit, and my heart.

Author: inmynativescribble

A Black man trying to face fear, the past, the present, and reconcile his future. Still.

4 thoughts on “On My Mind”

  1. To watch you grow and to feel you compassion in your affirming acclamation. I applaud you my brother. I can not wait for more. I am working on my book and hope you do to share the experience. I definitely am awed today. I know you story bro and you definitely are standing tall and against adversity in your growing.


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